If you work in an office and use a computer or stare at a screen of any kind all day you know the weird and debilitating aches and pains that come with that lifestyle. These include:
• repetitive strain injuries
• slouchy posture and sore back
• aching shoulders, hands, and neck
• sore wrists/carpal tunnel syndrome
• neck cramps
• headaches
…and more.
This increasing health and wellness hazard is why some spas and salons around the world are starting to offer treatments and services that focus on detoxing from the digital, like the Digital Detox Massage at Chicago’s George the Salon.
“We have created a digital Detox Massage here at George’s, because there has been a screaming need for it,” says massage therapist Maggie Klasa. “Technology as we all know has taken over our lives,” says Klasa, “ and ‘tech neck’ is not a joke. It may lead to serious issues if not addressed.”
The massage is on offer in 25 or 55-minute sessions and only two days a week for the time being. The technique is designed to ease pain and discomfort and promote relaxation, and includes relaxing movement, stretching, and deeper tissue work.
“With a 25 minute treatment we concentrate on massaging, manipulating and stretching,” says Klasa. “Starting with a nice scalp massage going down to the temples, jaws, face, stretching and massaging the neck, shoulders, moving down to arms, hands and fingers.
“With a 55-minute massage, we start with clients face down and also work the entire back, working out the tension in the middle and lower back before moving on to the scalp and neck and shoulder work.”
Also, you should put away your phone during the treatment time.
“We all need a little digital detox from time to time,” says Klasa.
Staring at a screen all day may also exacerbate vision problems and insomnia – so you should also get regular eye exams and consider keeping your bedroom screen free. And sitting all day has been associated with potentially elevated risk for heart disease, diabetes and other, even more serious, health issues. Solutions include working at a standing desk and getting up to move around for 5-10 minutes every hour.
(Image: Copyright: dragonimages / 123RF Stock Photo)